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Nothing To Worry About

James McPartland


"Once we let go of our past mistakes and release the grip of our future fears - what is left for us to be so worried about?"

James McPartland

Being present is truly one of life’s great challenges as we seem to be regretting much of the past, or anticipating what we must deal with in the future. Add to that the incessant demands of our smartphones, a need to stay connected and “liked” in our social media world, and the never ending daily demands of a life that has us busy being busy, and time simply passes us by. If you think about it, it is always now. It is always the present moment. However, those moments quickly move behind us and we are often not even conscious of it.

A life well lived takes deliberate practice, heightened awareness, permission to fail and make errors, plus a recognition that the phrase is “growing pains” for a reason. The past, like the future, is not a place we can take anyone to visit, it only exists as a story in our head. Since we are the author of those stories, we have the power to modify the scripts and create many more present moment experiences. With that in mind, what is there really to worry about?

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