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Access Point: What time do you really have?

James McPartland

“Too often we regret elements of our past, have anxiety about the future, and consequently, miss the present moment-- the only time we really have.” — James McPartland

Access Point: What time do you really have? | Blog post by James McPartland | Speaker, Author, Executive Coach

Work is infinite. Time is not. So many of us are so busy being busy and yet we aren’t getting any closer to a destination that we keep hoping we will arrive at. There always seems to be tomorrow, next week, after graduation, as soon as we get through the holidays, when we finish the quarter…

This is too often the sad truth: We regret elements of our past, have anxiety about the future, and consequently, miss the present.

The reality is, the present moment is the only time we have.

We cannot take others to our past or walk them into our future. The time is always now. So to accurately answer the question “What time do you have?” I suggest the answer is: “All I have is now”.

Make this time count, friends. Make it your be better moment.


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