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How to Access Your Full Potential

James McPartland

"Taking responsibility for everything we experience in life requires a deep understanding of our own inherent power. When we accept this responsibility, we gain access to that power and all that is required to make things better."

- James McPartland

Our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, however we must be responsible for who we have become. In understanding the power of our beliefs, assumptions, and attitudes to script our internal narrative and thus our life experiences, we learn that the power we searched for has been with us all along.

It has been said that with great power comes great responsibility, yet we don't have to wait to be granted that power. Choosing to take greater responsibility opens up a path to our greatest potential. When we accept that reaching our fullest potential is entirely within our control, the power of that potential grows dramatically.

In essence, contrary to what we’ve heard said, we need to flip the script: With great responsibility comes great power.

One way to exercise our power is through persistence. Persistence is the ability to push past setbacks, unexpected events, bad news, and resistance. Being responsible with our power is demonstrated by continuing on with deep conviction, despite fear, in the face of difficult conditions. Persistence is something to be developed and fortified through practice. It is the quality required to make any dream a reality.

It is far better to risk disappointment by choosing to be all in yet falling short in your commitment to your goals and dreams than it is to be disappointed in yourself in retrospect, for never having made the choice to go all in, and miss opportunities of a lifetime due to a lack of commitment.

It may be that all that is required to maximize life is the potential you've leveraged, the heroism you've demonstrated, and the human lives you have graced. We are likely to learn that there can be no greater power and responsibility than that.


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