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What is not open for debate for you?

James McPartland

"To know who we want to become requires that we know what principles we must believe, values we must hold, and behaviors we must practice to get us there."— James McPartland

Access Point: Courageous Conversations | Blog post by James McPartland | Speaker, Author, Executive Coach

We all need non-negotiables; things in life that just aren't open for debate.

While I'm a huge advocate for being open-minded, always wiling to learn-- we all need a few things in life we won't allow ourselves to be swayed on. Values and principles where our position stands firm and we make it a point not to negotiate ourselves out of our own personal convictions.

Here are a few of mine:

👉 My INTEGRITY. Who I am is my word. If I give you my word-- I'm going to do everything I can to keep it. And if I can't, I'll find a way to make it right.

👉 Being RESPONSIBLE. Whether I'm responsible for a situation that is brought to my attention or not-- I will find a way to take responsibility TO it. Being responsible to me, means being ABLE to RESPOND. I'm a big believer that I am not a victim of any circumstance-- I always have a choice in how I will respond.

👉 Daily EXERCISE. While time is a non-renewable resource, energy can be replenished. One of the absolute best ways I keep my energy balanced on the daily is to exert physical energy after absorbing external relational energy. It's good for my mental and emotional health all around. I know it, my family knows it, and so it's a non-negotiable for me that I break a sweat, every day.

Knowing your non-negotiables-- what you will not flex on, is crucial for who you're wanting to become. To know specifically who we want to be and what we want to do with our life requires that we know what principles we must believe, values we must hold, and behaviors we must practice to get us there.

Okay, your turn. What are your non-negotiables?

Take time to answer the question for yourself, and follow me for more on this No Straight Lines series.

Mac 😎


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