"There are NO STRAIGHT LINES on the road to progress. Life is curly, so enjoy the ride."— James McPartland

Over the past year, using the acronym NO STRAIGHT LINES, we've been unpacking one area of personal development at a time to help guide us along the windy, messy paths we navigate in life and business. We just wrapped up last week, and here's a quick recap..
STORIES Our minds are constantly writing narratives that drive the decisions we make and behaviors we habituate. Become aware of your stories and choose which ones serve you well, and which ones don’t.
TRUTH All progress in life begins with it. Be TRUTHFUL with yourself about how you’re really doing, and your willingness to be corrected or make changes where needed.
RESPONSIBILITY Be willing to thoroughly evaluate your part in every engagement, and take 100% for your 50%. There's always something we can take responsibility TO even if we're not responsible FOR it.
AGREEMENTS The agreements we make are the underlying drivers for our actions. Check-in with yourself and those you engage with and evaluate your agreements. This will help align your actions to bring about the results you really want in your life and relationships.
INTEGRITY We need to do what we said we were going to do, when we said we would do it, in the manner we said it would be done. And when “life life’s”-- we need to take responsibility and find a way to make it right.
GOALS Set them, then get clear on what progress looks like for you. Define your criteria for success. Then be accountable as you go after taking your performance to the next level.
HABITS Identify and develop the new habits you need in place so you can be consistent in your execution. It’s your day-in and day-out habits that produce the results you get.
TOLERANCE Stop tolerating what you know isn't working in your life. Become willing to peel back the layers of denial and confront the underlying issues that are causing your discomfort.
LISTEN When the people we lead feel listened to, they, in turn, will listen to themselves more carefully. It's a win-win for everyone.
IDENTITY Always be doing the work of clarifying and crafting your new identity, one that you intentionally live into each and every day.
NON-NEGOTIABLES Knowing your non-negotiables is crucial for who you want to become. Know what you must believe, what values you must hold, and what behaviors you must practice to get you there.
ENERGY Without an intentional focus on where you place your energy, it will be spent quickly. Be strategic about how you protect, allocate, and restore your energy – it will position you to be and give your best.
And last but not least…
SYSTEMS We all create systems to help us run our lives efficiently. Be intentional about building your systems with consistency, and they will help you reach your aspirations.
And that’s it!
Maybe it felt like a trip around the mountain and back, but hey—there are no straight lines to take us to where we want to go in life. There are no real shortcuts, ‘hacks,’ fast tracks, or magic pills that will expedite the road to fulfilling our life’s purpose.
It's a PROCESS! And it's a messy one! Life is curvy! And the path it takes won't be a straight line. But these consistent actions and principles can guide you toward the path of least resistance and increase the chances you’ll enjoy the ride.
Thanks for joining me this past year on this No Straight Lines series. I encourage you to go back and read the previous writings if you’d like to hear more about my take on any of these principles.
I’ll look forward to bringing much more to you in 2025 and beyond.
Mac 😎